Poor Aunt Esther: Flash Fiction

Photo by Fatima Fakier Deria

Every Wednesday afternoon Ella Gitterman brought her Tupperware containers filled with delicious dinners and desserts for her aging aunt.  Poor Aunt Esther hadn’t left her house in 12 years. Disabled and penurious, Ella was her lifeline, dutifully bringing meals, helping with cleaning, shopping, and all the other things Ella knew how to do well.  Ella expected nothing in return.

This Wednesday was different.  Ella washed the Tupperware still sitting in the freezer full of uneaten food and laid it on the table.  The doorbell rang.  The family lawyer was here.  She signed the papers. Ella was New York’s newest billionaire.

100 Words

Go to Rochelle Wisoff’s  Addicted to Purple site and use her Wednesday photo as a prompt to write a complete 100 word story for Friday Fictioneers.

Don’t leave without saying hello!